The Scholarship and Stipend Committee would like to invite you to participate in a Book for Bucks Contest starting November 2023 and ending in June of this year. That's right you read a book and donate a $1 to DKG Scholarships and Stipends. We have put you in groups. We have tried to put similar numbers of members together. When you see the data base with your chapter name and the group you are in, it will make more sense. We are hoping that you will also reach out to the other members on your group team and get to know them, challenge them, or do a FaceTime meeting!!!!
Thanks for participating in this endeavor as it really helps us to have the resources to help others that need a boost.
Linda Johnson, Scholarship and Stipend Member Chair Karen Chance, Scholarship and Stipend Committee Member Cindy Shearard, Scholarship and Stipend Committee Member
Below are the record sheet masters for the entire year: