WASHINGTON STATE ORGANIZATION- BYLAWS The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International April 30, 2021
ARTICLE I NAME Section A. The name of this state organization shall be Washington State - Alpha Sigma State of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, hereinafter also referred to as Washington State Organization (WSO), the State, or in general terms, the Society. Section B. A Greek letter(s) and a city/geographical area shall designate each chapter in Washington State. Each chapter shall be named by the State.
ARTICLE II MISSION AND PURPOSES Section A. Mission Statement The International mission shall be to promote professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. The State mission shall be to: 1. Promote the mission and Purposes of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International as found in the current International Constitution; 2. Act as liaison between chapters and International; 3. Organize and assist new chapters within the State; 4. Provide leadership training for state and chapter leaders; 5. Define and develop policies for the State; and 6. Set standards of record keeping for the State and chapters. Section B. State Vision Statement Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Section A. Membership All membership practices are in accordance with the current International Constitution. Chapters within the State shall have full power to act on matters of chapter membership. 1. Membership in the State shall be by invitation. A member inducted into the Society becomes a member of a chapter, the State, and the International Society. 2. An individual becomes a member of the Society when she pays her dues. An individual is inducted only once. 3. All chapters will keep membership records and share those records with the State. Section B. Classification 1. An active member shall be a woman who is employed as a professional educator at the time of her election or has been retired from an educational position. An active member shall participate in the activities of the Society. 2. Reserve membership shall be granted only to a member who is unable to participate fully in the activities of the chapter because of physical disability and/or geographic location. a. Reserve status shall be granted by the majority vote of the chapter. b. A reserve member, so requesting, shall be restored to active membership. 3. A chapter honorary member shall be a woman not eligible for active membership who has rendered notable service to education or to women, and is elected to honorary membership in recognition of such service. 4. Collegiate members shall be undergraduate or graduate students who meet the following criteria: Undergraduate student collegiate members shall: (1) be enrolled in an institution offering an education degree and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education; and (2) be enrolled within the last two years of their undergraduate education degree. Graduate student collegiate members shall have graduate standing in an institution offering an education degree and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education. When a collegiate member starts her career as a paid educator, she will pay active member dues and become an active member. If a collegiate member does not pursue a career as an educator, her membership will expire upon graduation or withdrawal from the education degree program. A collegiate member may participate in the activities of the Society except holding office. A collegiate member may serve as parliamentarian since this position is not an elected office. 5. An active member not living within the geographical proximity of a chapter may be a state and international member. 6. Members who have lifetime membership are recognized as either active or reserve. 7. A state honorary member shall be recommended by chapters and elected by the Executive Board. A four-fifths (4/5) vote of approval is required. Induction of honorary members shall be conducted at the convention. The state president and the membership chair shall organize the orientation session and the induction. Section C. Election A candidate for active membership shall be selected by the method established by the chapter’s rules. Section D. Transfer A member in good standing may transfer from one chapter to another upon notification to Society Headquarters. Section E. Termination of Membership Membership in the Society is terminated for non-payment of dues and fees, resignation, or death. Section F. Reinstatement A former member shall be reinstated to membership by the chapter receiving the request.
ARTICLE IV FINANCES Section A. Annual Dues Each active, collegiate and reserve member shall pay annual dues. 1. State organization dues shall be an amount determined in accordance with the Washington State Standing Rules. 2. Chapter dues shall be an amount determined in accordance with the rules set by the chapter. 3. A chapter may choose to waive chapter dues for a member who has financial need and may accept confidential donations from other members. 4. State dues may be increased one year after the international dues are increased for COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) at the same COLA amount as International OR by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present at the state convention for unique state needs. Section B. Fees 1. Induction Fee: An active member shall pay an induction fee at the time of induction. 2. Scholarship Fee: Each active and reserve member shall pay annually a scholarship fee with her dues. 3. Honorary Fee: The initiating unit of the Society shall pay a one-time fee for each honorary member at the time of initiation. 4. Any member who wishes to receive a mailed copy of the state newsletter must complete an application, include the current fee, and send to the state treasurer. Section C. Payment of Dues and Fees 1. The membership year is July 1-June 30. A member shall pay annual dues to the chapter treasurer, and fees no later than June 30 for the following fiscal year. 2. The international portion of the dues and fees shall be sent between July 1 and September 30. Immediately thereafter, the state organization and international portions of the dues and fees shall be sent to the state organization treasurer and International. 3. For membership or reinstatement commencing between July 1 and December 31, the member shall pay the induction fee (new member only), dues, and scholarship fee for the current year. For membership commencing on or after January 1, the member shall pay one-half of the international and state membership dues. Each chapter will determine if their chapter dues will be adjusted. 4. A member who fails to complete payment of international dues shall be dropped as of October 1, but may apply for reinstatement. Section D. Financial Assessments Financial assessments may be levied only by the chapter. Section E. Other Income The Society shall receive and utilize income from sources other than dues and fees —including (but not limited to) gifts, bequests, and royalties — in accordance with policies in the Washington State Organization Standing Rules or as determined by the Executive Committee. Section F. State Funds 1. The Available Funds shall be the operating fund and shall require a budget. 2. The Washington State Organization Scholarship Fund a. The State shall maintain a scholarship fund (known as WSO Scholarship) for the benefit of members. Note: The scholarship fee paid by members shall be deposited in this account [Int. Const. Article IV F 2b] only for the benefit of chapter members. A chapter may maintain a scholarship/grant-in-aid fund—combined or separate. Grants-in-Aid, not funded by the scholarship fee, may be given to members or non-members. b. The scholarship fee paid by a member shall be divided as follows: (1) one hundred percent (100%) to the state organization fund if the chapter does not maintain a chapter scholarship fund for members or twenty percent (20%) to the state organization if the chapter does maintain a chapter scholarship fund. (2) eighty percent (80%) retained by the chapter having a chapter scholarship fund. c. Rules governing the scholarship fund shall be recommended by the Scholarship Committee and approved by the State Executive Board. d. At least once every four years, the committee shall provide for a larger scholarship for a DKG member to receive DKG parliamentary procedure training when offered, take the test, and agree to serve the state (if appointed) for a minimum of two terms.
3. The Available Fund Reserve for WSO a. State organizations without a headquarters building are not required to maintain a permanent fund; but are required to maintain an Available Fund Reserve. These state organizations without a headquarters building shall set aside up to twenty- percent (20%) of their state organization dues until the total of the Available Fund Reserve equals one year’s operating expenses at which time the state organization b executive board may reduce or discontinue further allocations. b. The Available Fund Reserve may be used at the discretion of the state organization executive board. 4. The Rachel Royston Permanent Scholarship Foundation, also referred to as “RRPSF” a. The RRPSF of the State is incorporated by the State of Washington under its own charter. b. A five (5) members Board of Trustees administers the fund; each member serving five -year term. One candidate is nominated by the Nominations Committee and elected annually by the Executive Board. This forms a membership rotation on the board. c. Contributions are received from members and non-members. d. Scholarships are awarded annually to women educators who are Washington State residents, members or non-members. Section G. Financial Accounting 1. The fiscal year of the State shall be July 1 – June 30 inclusive. 2. The Available Fund budget shall be prepared annually by the Finance Committee with input from committee chairs and the Executive Committee. The budget shall enumerate sources of dues and non-dues revenue. The proposed budget shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Executive Board. 3. All expenditures must be approved by the state president. 4. The financial records of the State shall be reviewed annually by an ad hoc committee appointed by the president. The state treasurer will make available a record of all receipts, bills, and bank statements. 5. Reimbursement shall be provided for state leaders as specified in the Washington State Organization Standing Rules.
ARTICLE V ORGANIZATION Section A. Levels of Organization The business of the Society shall be conducted at the chapter, state, and international levels. Section B. Chapter Level 1. New chapters shall be organized according to the Washington State Organization Standing Rules with no fewer than twelve (12) members. The Society shall grant the charter. 2. Charter members shall be those who become members of the chapter at the time of installation of the chapter. Any member who transfers her membership to the new chapter at the time of its installation becomes a charter member of the new chapter. 3. Each chapter shall have chapter rules that are consistent with the International Constitution and International Standing Rules and the Washington State Organization Bylaws and Standing Rules. 4. Area coordinating councils may be organized in areas where several chapters exist. a. Members include the appointed liaisons and two representatives from each chapter in the area, one of which may be the chapter president. b. The purpose of each council is to plan activities for the benefit of all chapters and members within its area.
ARTICLE VI OFFICERS Section A. Officers 1. State Organization Officers The state organization officers, all of whom must be members of the Society, shall be a president, a first vice-president, a second vice-president, and a secretary, (elected by the convention), as well as a treasurer, and an executive secretary (approved by the Executive Board). A parliamentarian (member or non- member) shall be appointed by the president. 2. Chapter Officers Chapter officers, all of whom must be members of the Society, shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary (all elected), a treasurer (selected by the Executive Board), plus the option of a second vice-president and/or a corresponding secretary (both elected). 3. State and Chapter Officers: Members may not hold more than one state or one local chapter office at a time. Section B. Duties The State President The president at the state shall (1) act as chair of the State Executive Committee, Advisory Council, and Executive Council as well as chair of the Executive Board and Convention; (2) serve as a member of the International Executive Board; (3) appoint standing and special committees, e.g., ad hoc task forces, area liaisons, and a state store manager; (4) take action, with the advice and approval of the Executive Committee or of the Executive Board, on matters which cannot be deferred until the next convention or meeting; (5) execute, with the executive secretary or treasurer, legal documents pertaining to the organization. A legal document may be executed only when authorized by the state convention or Executive Board; (6) initiate recommendations to the Executive Committee, Executive Council, Advisory Council, Executive Board, and the Convention; and (7) be responsible for providing leadership development within her state organization. The State and Chapter Presidents shall act as presiding officer at regular and specially called meetings, as well as direct the activities of the organization; act as chair of the Executive Board; serve as members of the state Executive Board; appoint a parliamentarian; appoint standing and special committees; serve as member ex officio, with vote, on all committees except nominations; approve for payment all expense claims; approve publications; fill by appointment all unexpired vacancies in office; and represent the Society at meetings, conferences, and other events. 2. The Vice-Presidents a. The first vice-president shall (1) serve as presiding officer in the absence of the president. In the event of the resignation or death of the president, the first vice-president shall succeed to the presidency and serve until the next regular election of officers; (2) serve as the chair of the Educational Excellence Committee; (3) facilitate the committees’ development of action plans for each year of the biennium with final approval by the Executive Committee/Board; and (4) perform such other duties as the president or the Executive Board shall assign to her. b. The second vice-president shall (1) serve as presiding officer in the absence of both the president and the first vice-president. In the event of the resignation or death of either the president or the first vice-president, she shall succeed to the office of first vice-president and serve until the next regular election of officers; (2) serve as chair of the Membership, Expansion/Dissolution Committee; and (3) perform such other duties as the president or the Executive Board shall assign to her. 3. The Secretary shall a. keep minutes of each meeting of the organization. The minutes of fall board and convention will be sent by the state secretary to the Minutes Review Committee within two (2) weeks of the meeting. Upon receipt of corrections from the committee, the state secretary shall make revisions, and then distribute the minutes to the appropriate members (Executive Board and convention minutes to executive board members, state committee members, and the state Webmaster to post on the website). Minutes of other state meetings will be sent, within two (2) weeks, to the president and respective attendees of those meetings for review. The secretary will then make revisions as directed by the president; and b. prepare and share correspondence as needed. 4. The Executive Secretary shall a. train the incoming executive secretary during the final year of the term; b. assist the secretary as directed by the president and the Executive Board; c. receive for safe keeping, original copies of all state minutes; d. retain the electronic master copy of each decade; e. maintain a file for each decade of minutes and all other permanently valuable documents of the state organization; f. prepare all state contracts and oversee facility requirements for all state meetings; g. attend the required international leadership training and the International Executive Board meeting; h. produce annually the State Directory; and i. perform such duties as assigned by the president. 5. The Treasurer shall a. at each level (1) receive and pay out all monies belonging to the organization; (2) keep an accurate account of receipts and expenditures; (3) maintain a record of receipts, bills, and bank statements; (4) present a report at each regular meeting; (5) file required tax reports (Form 990 e-postcard); (6) submit for annual audit/financial review accounts of the organization; (7) serve as a member ex officio, without vote if under remunerative contract for her services, on the respective executive board; (8) serve as a consultant in the process of budget development and supervision of finances; and (9) maintain an accurate and current membership roster. b. The state treasurer shall provide information necessary for a fidelity bond, for an amount specified in the standing rules, the cost to be paid by the State. c. The state treasurer shall serve as treasurer for Fall Board, Convention, and all special retreats (Creative Arts, Leadership, etc.). d. The chapter treasurer shall follow appropriate procedures to ensure the safety and proper handling of chapter monies as established by the chapter finance committee. 6. The Parliamentarian at each level shall a. act as advisor to the officers and to the members in matters pertaining to interpretation of the International Constitution and Standing Rules, Washington State Bylaws and Standing Rules, and to parliamentary usage; b. serve as a member ex officio, without vote, on the respective Executive Board and the Executive Committee; and c. serve as a member ex officio, with vote, on the Bylaws Committee. 7. The Immediate Past President shall serve as a. U.S. Forum Representative; b. b. Achievement Award Special Committee chair; c. Membership, Expansion / Dissolution Committee member and d. Advisor to the Executive Committee. e. Facilitator of committee action plans (which are then submitted to the current president for approval). Section C. Election and Term of Office 1. State organization a. The state president, vice presidents, and secretary shall be elected by the state convention in odd-numbered years. b. The term of each elected officer shall be two (2) years or until a successor is named. No one may serve in the same office longer than two (2) terms in succession. Officers shall take office on July 1 following their election. c. The treasurer and the executive secretary shall be selected every four (4) years or until a successor is named by the Executive Board. The ad hoc committee shall recommend to the Executive Board a candidate for their approval. d. New state treasurers and new state executive secretaries will have one year of training before their term begins. The candidate may only serve two terms in succession. They will take office on July 1 following their election. e. The state officers, as designated above, shall serve as the Executive Committee. 2. Chapter a. The chapter officers, except the treasurer, shall be elected in even-numbered years. b. The term of each elected officer shall be two (2) years or until a successor is named. It is recommended that no officer except the treasurer may serve in the same office longer than two (2) terms in succession. Officers shall take office on July 1, following their selection. c. The treasurer shall be selected by the Executive Board each biennium. Section D. Vacancies In the event that a member holding an elective or appointed position at the state or chapter level is unable to perform her duties, the position shall be declared vacant by the respective officer, and a successor named by the state or chapter president.
Article VII BOARD AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section A: State Executive Board 1. The members of the state Executive Board shall be the elected officers, the immediate past state president, and the chapter presidents. The treasurer, executive secretary, and the parliamentarian shall be members ex officio--the parliamentarian and executive secretary without vote, and the treasurer also without vote if under remunerative contract for her services. 2. The State Executive Board shall a. recommend policies and procedures for consideration by the state convention or the chapters; b. examine, modify--if necessary, and adopt the state budget; c. select an executive secretary, treasurer, and other such personnel as may be needed and assign their duties; d. establish the procedures for budget development and approval for the supervision of state finances; e. approve dates and sites of state meetings; f. act in the interim between conventions upon matters requiring immediate decision; g. review proposals for amendments or revision of the bylaws and standing rules; h. provide for balloting on state and international issues by electronic or other appropriate methods; and i. suggest items for executive board meetings. 3. Washington State’s Executive Committee composed of the elected officers shall act on behalf of the Executive Board between board meetings. Section B. State Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall a. meet as needed for planning and decision-making; b. act in matters requiring action and decisions between state Executive Board meetings; c. recommend policies and procedures for consideration by members; d. establish rules for state budget development and approval; and e. may provide participatory workshops (if funds are approved) in four (4) Washington quadrants with input from the quadrants’ chapter presidents. State leaders may provide workshops for two (2) quadrants each year. Section C. State Advisory Council The advisory council is comprised of past state presidents and meets annually at the request of the state president to provide feedback and advice to the executive committee. This meeting takes place during Fall Executive Board. Other responsibilities may include serving on ad hoc committees, chapter support, and other activities when requested by the president. Section D. Chapter Executive Board 1. The chapter executive board shall include the elected officers, the immediate past president, and such other voting members as shall be determined by the chapter. The treasurer and the parliamentarian shall serve as members ex officio--the parliamentarian without vote, and the treasurer without vote if under remunerative contract for her services. 2. The chapter executive board shall a. select the treasurer for the biennium; b. act in matters requiring action and decision between chapter meetings; c. recommend policies and procedures for consideration by members; and d. establish rules for budget development and approval and for the supervision of chapter finances.
ARTICLE VIII COMMITTEES Section A. Committee Structure State committees (Chapters may modify the committee structure to meet their local needs as long as the state and international duties are clearly designated in the chapter structure and the titles used.) a. Standing committees (1) Society Business (a) Bylaws and Standing Rules (b) Communications and Marketing (c Finance (d) Leadership Development (e) Membership, Expansion/Dissolution (state committee only) (f) Nominations (elected) (2) Society Mission and Purposes (a) Educational Excellence (b) Education Policy/Legislation (c) Scholarship b. Elected committees (1) The state Nominations Committee shall be elected by the Executive Board. (2) The composition of the nominations committee shall be specified in the committee description. A member shall serve no more than three consecutive years. Appointed committees: All other committee chairs and members are appointed by the president. Each appointed committee member shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms on the same committee. Each committee shall be composed of a maximum of two (2) members and the chair, except the Educational Excellence Committee (EEC). Special committees or ad hoc task forces may be appointed by the president at any time with the written/electronic permission of the executive board. This authorization may be given at any time during the biennium. No expenses may be incurred for said committees unless budgeted or specifically designated by the Executive Committee with input from the Finance Committee. An election committee shall be appointed by the president at the state meetings to count written ballots in the event that two (2) or more nominees are on the ballot for a single office. The committee shall be responsible for the distribution, collection, tally of the ballots, and reporting the results to the executive board or convention 2. Executive Council a. The Executive Council shall be composed of all state officers, all state committee chairs, area liaisons, and such other members as the president may designate. b. The purposes of the council shall be to (1) serve as an avenue of communication between the president, the officers, the committee chairs and any others who are deemed necessary by the president to carry out the work of the State; and (2) develop, implement, and evaluate progress toward the state goals. 3. Committee responsibilities for all state committees a. The work of each committee is under the direction of the committee chair that develops the agenda, orients the committee to its responsibilities, presides at the meetings, and keeps committee members informed of committee progress. b. Overall responsibilities of each committee shall be given in the committee description. Detailed duties shall be specified in the Washington Bylaws and Standing Rules. c. Action plans shall be developed by the committee and approved by the state president. Any proposed committee projects outside of the committee’s budget allocation shall be considered by the Executive Committee and, if recommended, shall be sent to the Finance Committee for budget revision. Budgetary changes must be approved electronically (or by other means) by the Executive Board. d. Committees shall annually submit action plans within their approved budget for Executive Committee approval. Vouchers with receipts for all expenses incurred in the performance of committee duties shall be submitted to the committee chair and then to the state president for approval. e. Official committee meetings may be face-to-face or through electronic communications. The mode of each meeting shall be set by the chair as authorized in the budget. The state president must approve exceptions. f. All committee matters requiring immediate committee action may be voted upon by mail (postal or electronic) if a valid vote can be received. A majority vote of committee members shall be required for action. g. The president or her designee shall serve as a member ex officio, with vote, of all committees except the Nominations Committee, unless otherwise designated in the committee description. h. In their final report, committees shall document their actions with measurable impact, when possible. State and chapter committee chairs and liaisons shall complete their reports on time. i. State committees are expected to attend Fall Executive Board and the chair is expected to attend the convention with defined state financial support. Committee chairs reimbursement for Fall Executive Board and convention includes early registration, scheduled meals, mileage at smallest rate, and one-half (1/2) of double occupancy lodging. Fall Executive Board reimbursement for committee members include one scheduled meal, mileage at lowest rate, and one-half (1/2) of double occupancy lodging. Committee members are not reimbursed for the state convention unless the entire committee is called by the state president to attend the state meeting for a specific purpose. Then members will be reimbursed for the same items as the Fall Board. 4. State organization and chapter a. The state and chapters shall be responsible, at respective levels, for any state and/or chapter duties represented by the international committee descriptions. [Constitution, Article VIII, Sections B and C] b. The state and chapters may fulfill their constitutional responsibilities by establishing committees as needed. c. Reports requested from state organizations and chapters shall be submitted in the format specified by Society Headquarters. Section B Society Business 1. Communications and Marketing a. The committee shall include a committee chair with expertise in communication, the state editor of the Washington State Organization News (WSON) and the state webmaster, all of whom will serve as co-chairs of the committee and shall receive reimbursement commensurate with chairs as stated in Washington Bylaws Article VIII Committees, Section A 3i. b. The committee is to link member-to-member, chapter-to-state, and the state-to- international; to encourage communication with external groups; and to suggest ways to market and promote the Society. c. The committee shall be responsible for keeping an up-to-date roster of all members of our state organization for such purposes as electronic mailings. d. The committee shall evaluate the effectiveness of state and chapter publications and report its effectiveness to the Executive Committee after the first year of each biennium and at the end of the biennium. e. The committee shall oversee the state website and provide training for chapter editors and web masters. f. The Communications and Marketing Committee will manage any electronic media approved by the State Executive Committee. 2. Bylaws and Standing Rules a. The committee shall receive all proposals for amending Washington State Organization’s Bylaws, make recommendations for changes to the executive committee, and submit them to the newsletter editor for publication in the Winter newsletter. They must not be in conflict with International governing documents and parliamentary procedure. The Bylaws proposals will be presented to the state convention for two-thirds (2/3) vote. The Standing Rule proposals shall be reviewed by the committee and shall make recommendations for changes to the executive committee, and submit them to the newsletter editor for publication in the Winter newsletter. They must not be in conflict with International governing documents and parliamentary procedure. The proposals will be presented to the state convention for a majority vote. b. Notification of proposed bylaws changes shall be published no later than the Winter issue of the Washington State Organization News and published on the state website. After the convention and prior to June 10, the committee shall ascertain that the bylaws and standing rules are in concordance, and then the final changes will be printed/electronic in the next state newsletter after the convention. c. The state Executive Secretary shall print the final state governing documents for the Executive Council for the transition meeting and Fall Executive Board. Electronic copies will be available on the state website. d. The parliamentarian shall serve as a committee member with a vote. e. The committee shall submit the Washington State Organization’s Bylaws and Standing Rules to the International Constitution Committee whenever changes have been made and with the changes marked. f. Changes in the Washington State Organization’s Bylaws and Standing Rules necessitated by amendments to the DKG Constitution and/or International Standing Rules shall be made by the state Bylaws and Standing Rules committee, shared with the Executive Committee, and then reported to our membership via email and on the WSO website within two months after the revised international documents are made available. In following this format, the state organization (Executive Board) will not need to approve each change individually. g. Once each biennium, chapter rules shall be reviewed for consistency with international and state governing documents. Revisions necessitated by amendments to the DKG Constitution and/or International Standing Rules may be made to chapter rules by the chapter’s Chapter Rules committee and then shared with chapter members via electronic means. Brief discussion and/or clarifications will be provided at the next chapter business meeting and a consent vote taken. A digital copy of the updated chapter rules will then be sent to the State Bylaws and Standing Rules chair. 3. Finance a. The committee shall be composed of three (3) members, with the president and treasurer serving as ex officio members with vote, and the executive secretary serving as a consultant. b. The committee shall propose guidelines, prepare the Available Fund Budget, and provide an annual financial review. The budget shall be submitted to the Executive Board for approval. 4. Leadership Development a. The committee shall be composed of past state presidents and/or other state leaders. b. The committee is responsible for leadership development and shall provide training sessions for state and chapter leaders in concert with the Executive Committee. 5. Membership, Expansion/Dissolution a. The second vice-president shall serve as chair of the membership committee. b. The committee shall study and make recommendations to the Executive Committee related to membership issues and challenges. c. Necrology and membership reports shall be the responsibilities of the committee. The Celebration of Life Ceremony shall be directed by the committee. d. The committee shall receive and evaluate recommendations of persons proposed for honorary membership and submit the names of qualified candidates to the state executive board for vote. e. The committee chair shall attend the regional conference to receive membership training. f. The committee shall provide training sessions for chapter membership chairs. g. The committee shall correspond with state members who are not affiliated with a chapter at least twice annually. h. The immediate past president shall serve as a member of this committee. If needed, the chair will collaborate with the membership chair and the appropriate area liaison. i. The committee, in consultation with the state president and executive secretary, shall be responsible to promote state expansion of new chapters. j. The committee of three, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall provide support and assistance to local chapters to avoid dissolution. k. The chair shall report the committee’s recommendation for chapter dissolution to the Executive Board for action. The committee shall retrieve the Society charter and paraphernalia as listed in the international documents and any remaining funds shall be submitted to the state treasurer. The state treasurer must receive a chapter budget with a zero balance prior to dissolution. 6. Nominations a. The elected committee shall solicit nominees by print and electronic means for the positions to be filled at the subsequent state convention. b. The Nominations Committee shall present in election years the report of nominees for publication no later than the Winter issue of the WSO News and published on the state website. The convention report shall contain the name of at least one (1) or more nominees for each of the following: president, first vice-president, second vice-president, and secretary. The report to the Executive Board shall include vacancies occurring on the Nominations Committee and the Rachel Royston Permanent Scholarship Foundation. c. The committee shall present its report of state nominees to the convention. Nominations may be made from the floor. d. The committee shall follow the eligibility, qualifications, and guidelines for selecting nominees as set forth in the International Constitution and the International Standing Rules. e. The committee shall prepare the ballots for the elections committee to distribute. Ballots must provide sufficient space for nominations from the floor. Section C. Society Mission and Purposes Committees 1. Educational Excellence (EEC) a. The committee shall be composed of the first vice-president as chair and three (3) committee members. b. The committee programs and projects shall: support professional development and personal growth; encourage service, global awareness, social justice, and equity; and advance excellence in education. c. The committee shall support programs that promote the Purposes and Mission of the Society. d. The EEC chair shall attend the international program training. e. The committee shall provide training and program ideas for chapters. 2. Education Policy/Legislation a. The committee shall be comprised of three (3) members. The chair, a member -at- large and the third member shall be the U.S. Forum representative. b. This committee shall support advocacy for women, children, and educational issues as well as collaborate with the EEC. c. This committee shall promote involvement in non-partisan legislation about women, children, and educational topics. d. The committee shall provide timely non-partisan legislative electronic communication to members to encourage member involvement. 3. Stipend and Scholarship Committee a. The committee shall promote the collection of stipend and/or scholarship funds and the recipients of the Washington (WSO) stipend and or scholarships. b. The committee shall provide information to chapters on the stipend/scholarship process for members. c. The committee shall encourage members to contribute to the International World Fellowship Fund through the International Educational Foundation (IEF) and provide recipient information to members for their participation/support of all World Fellowship recipients. Section D. Special Committees—Special committees shall be appointed by the president as authorized. After submitting the final report to the body that authorized it, the committee shall be dissolved. Financial Review Committee: An ad hoc three-member (3) committee appointed by the president shall be composed of a chair and two (2) other members to conduct the annual financial review of the treasurer’s records. Minutes Review Committee: The state president will appoint an ad hoc three (3) member committee called Minutes Review Committee from the body attending the Executive Board and the convention, to review the minutes. Within two (2) weeks, the committee and state president will review the minutes, the noted corrections will be sent to the state secretary for revision; the state secretary shall then distribute the minutes. Election Committee: An ad hoc three-member (3) committee shall be appointed by the president from the body attending the Executive Board and/or the convention to serve in the event two (2) or more candidates are nominated for any elective position. In such instances the committee will be responsible for distributing, collecting, and tallying ballots as needed. Ad Hoc Committee for the Selection of the Treasurer and Executive Secretary: One (1) year prior to the expiration of their term, an ad hoc committee will be appointed to receive applications for the positions of treasurer and executive secretary. Nominees shall be screened, and the committee shall recommend a candidate for the position to the Executive Board for approval. (This provides a year for orientation for the member.) 5. Strategic Action Plans: The state shall develop a long-range strategic action plan. The state president shall appoint an ad hoc committee to develop a plan for continuous improvement. The committee will report to the Executive Committee, the Executive Board and the committee chairs. The plan shall be subject to Executive Board approval. Goals will be assigned for implementation. Information will be evaluated and summarized for the Executive Board. Changes to future actions will be based upon the data. 6. Rainbow Lodge Retreat: An ad hoc committee may be formed to present a leadership development and personal growth retreat for members and potential members every other year when authorized by the Executive Board. 7. Creative Arts Retreat: An ad hoc committee may be formed to present a retreat for members and potential members to celebrate and encourage the arts every other year when authorized by the Executive Board.
ARTICLE IX. LIAISONS Section A. Area Liaison 1. All area liaison representatives shall be appointed by the president and serve a two-year (2) term consistent with the biennium in which they were appointed. 2. An area liaison may be re-appointed to successive terms. 3. Area liaisons shall be reimbursed for Convention and Executive Board in the same manner as committee chairs. [See SR 3.65 b.] There is no state reimbursement for attending one’s own area workshop. Section B. Duties 1. All area liaisons shall communicate with chapters on a regular basis. 2. Liaison shall serve as a resource and visit when possible all chapters in their areas. 3. Liaisons shall attend their area workshop, area coordinating council, and any quadrant state workshop. 4. Liaisons shall collaborate with the Membership, Expansion/Dissolution Committee and the Executive Committee, as needed. Liaisons shall assist the executive secretary in collecting current, accurate information from the chapters for the state directory in a timely manner. 6. Liaisons shall provide support for hosting area workshops, quadrant, and state meetings. 7. Liaisons shall network with other area liaisons to provide inspiration and support. 8. Liaisons shall provide training and the turnover of documents to the newly- appointed successor.
Section C Art/ Music Liaison In coordination with the president, the Arts/Music Liaison shall facilitate the music for state meetings with reimbursement commensurate with that of a committee chair. The liaison may appoint a person to facilitate an art gallery, etc. upon approval of the state president. Section D Technology Liaison The Technology Liaison shall be appointed by the president to serve the needs of state meetings and reports to the Executive Secretary. The technology liaison will facilitate all technical equipment at Fall Board, Convention and Quadrant meetings.
ARTICLE X. MEETINGS Section A. State Meetings 1. State Executive Board a. Members of the executive board shall include members of the Executive Committee and chapter presidents. Committee chairs/members, area liaisons, and general members may attend but have no vote. Voting members of the Executive Board must make motions. b. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held twice annually. c. Chapter presidents who are unable to attend the state executive board may appoint in writing an official designee who shall have full privileges of participation. In the event of an extreme emergency, the requirement for a written signature shall be waived if verbal approval can be made. d. A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members of the board. Each voting member shall be entitled to one (1) vote. There shall be no proxy voting. e. The Executive Board may transact business by mail or virtually as long as all participants can hear and participate. 2. State conventions a. State organizations shall hold at least one (1) state organization convention each biennium; the date and site to be determined by the Executive Board. b. A quorum shall be a majority of the members who have registered at the convention. c. Any member attending the state convention during the general session, may make motions, enter discussions, and vote (except in cases where a roll call vote is taken). d. In the case of a roll call vote, the process shall include (1) A roll call vote shall be taken when sustained by a majority vote of those present or when requested by five (5) chapter presidents. (2) The chapter president or her official representative shall cast a vote for the chapter, one (1) vote for each five (5) active and reserve members or a major fraction thereof, of the chapter. 3. Quadrant workshops The Executive Committee with other state leaders may provide participatory workshops in four (4) Washington quadrants. They may provide workshops for two (2) quadrants each year. Expenses are to be paid by the state with support of the area chapters. The program will have input from the area’s chapter presidents so that chapters may be strengthened through this meeting. 4. Electronic Communications Washington state and chapters may establish electronic communications in compliance with the International Constitution. The state communications committee shall work with members and International to keep an updated Washington electronic roster of all members. Section B. Chapter Meetings 1. Regular meetings a. Regular chapter business meetings shall be held at least four (4) times a year. Additional meetings may be held at the discretion of the chapters. b. All members being notified, chapter meetings may be face-to-face, through electronic communications, or through a combination of the two, as long as members present may simultaneously hear one another and participate during the meeting. c. A quorum for chapter business meetings shall be determined by the chapter. (A quorum is considered to be 51% of the membership unless stated otherwise.) d. All members being notified, matters requiring immediate chapter action may be voted upon by postal, electronic or virtually as long as the communication provides a valid receipt of each responding chapter member’s vote. A majority vote of the chapter members shall be required for action. Ratification of all voting by mail (postal or electronic) must be made at the next face-to-face meeting of the chapter. e. There shall be no proxy voting. f. Meetings are open to the public, including inductions. 2. Executive Board Meetings a. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at least twice annually. The board may meet at other times upon the call of the president either electronically or face-to-face as long as all the members may simultaneously hear one another and participate during the meeting. b. A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members of the board.
ARTICLE XI. PUBLICATIONS Section A. Publications 1. The Washington State Organization News will be published four (4) times a year in electronic form. Members wishing to have the issues mailed may pay an extra-designated annual fee to the state to cover printing and postage. 2. Purpose of Washington State Organization News (WSON) a. To provide members with timely information on issues of concern based on the Society’s seven (7) Purposes and including (1. Washington State Organization Bylaws and Standing Rules interpretations/explanatory notes; (2.) proposed changes in the Washington State Organization Bylaws and Standing Rules; (3.) approved amendments; and (4.) nominations committee reports. b. To promote communications within the State; and c. To focus on Delta Kappa Gamma as an action organization; Section B. Rituals and Ceremonies Washington State may provide examples of induction and installation ceremonies. These may be adapted to meet needs at the chapter and state level. A Celebration of Life Ceremony will be conducted at each convention.
Section C. Electronic Communications Washington State may establish and maintain various types of electronic communications with its members as stated in the International Constitution. [Reference WSO SR 9.14]
ARTICLE XII AWARDS Section A. State Awards The State provides an annual achievement award for recognition of outstanding contributions to the Society, education, and community. A member or chapter(s) may nominate candidates for consideration by the Achievement Award Special Committee. The immediate past president will chair this committee and will present the award at the state convention. ARTICLE XIII PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (current edition) shall govern state and chapter proceedings in all cases in which they are applicable and in which this authority is not inconsistent with the International Constitution, the International Standing Rules, the Washington State Organization’s Bylaws, and Standing Rules, or other adopted Society rules, and any statutes applicable to this organization that do not authorize the provisions of the governing documents to take precedence.
ARTICLE XIV AMENDMENTS Section A. Amendments to the State Bylaws Proposals for amending the Washington State Organization’s Bylaws may be submitted on the proposal form to the chair of the Bylaws and Rules Committee by any member, committee, board or chapter each year. The chair shall receive amendment proposal forms within two weeks following Fall Executive Board when possible, with a postmark or electronic date no later than November 1st. All proposals must be accompanied by a statement of fiscal impact on current and future budgets and rationale for the change. All proposals for amendment or revisions shall be studied by the Bylaws and Rules committee. Fiscal impact should be reviewed by the Finance Committee when appropriate. Recommendations for change shall be submitted electronically by the state president to the Executive Board for a vote on the proposals by mail (electronic or postal) to recommend to adopt, not to adopt, or not to recommend no later than January 12. Notification of proposed amendments: All amendments to be voted upon by the convention shall be presented to the membership in printed form no later than the Winter issue of the state newsletter. Any member, committee, board or chapter that has submitted a proposed amendment or revision which has been rejected must be notified of the rejection and the reason for the action by the state president/designee no later than ten (10) days following the date of rejection or at least seven (7) days prior to the convention. Any proposed amendment or revision that has been rejected by the Executive Board shall be submitted to a vote of the convention when such a request is made in writing by at least one-third (1/3) or more of the chapter presidents. Such request shall be submitted to the state president. Approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast, a quorum being present, shall be required for the adoption of an amendment to the bylaws. The adopted amendments take effect immediately upon adoption unless a proviso states otherwise. Under special circumstances and if the Executive Board is notified of the proposal prior to the start of the Executive Board meeting, a rule or portion of the Washington State Organization’s Bylaws may be suspended for a specific purpose and period of time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present. Emergency/Field Test Authority The Executive Committee is authorized to field test new practices or programs mid-fiscal year to respond to changing needs and emergencies. The Executive Board will be asked to support these efforts at their next meeting and suggest any additions/changes as appropriate. Section B. Amendments to the State Standing Rules Proposals for amending the Washington State Organization’s Standing Rules may be considered at each convention. Any member, committee, board shall submit proposals to the chair of the Bylaws and Rules Committee, or chapter on forms provided by the Bylaws and Rules Committee. Proposals shall be submitted with a postmark or electronic date no later than November 1st. A rationale and a statement of fiscal impact shall accompany proposals submitted to the committee on current and future budgets, which may be confirmed by the finance committee, if needed. The state president shall ask the Executive Board members to vote on the proposal to recommend to adopt, not to adopt, or not to recommend prior to being submitted for a vote of the convention. Proposals will be studied and edited for correct form by the committee before presentation to the Executive Committee for review in January. The state president shall ask the executive board members to vote on the proposal by mail (electronic or postal) to recommend, to adopt, not to adopt, or not to recommend no later than January 12. The proposer of any change that is rejected must be notified by the state president/designee no later than ten (10) days following the rejection or at least ten (10) days prior to the convention. All proposed changes will be published no later than the Winter issue of the State newsletter with the recommendation of the Executive Board Vote for adoption A standing rule may be amended or rescinded by a majority vote of the convention, a quorum being present, if the notice of the proposed change has been published in the state newsletter. A change that has not been published will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote, a quorum being present, to be adopted or rescinded. The adopted change will take effect immediately upon adoption unless a proviso states otherwise.
ARTICLE XV INDEMNIFICATION Any director, officer, employee, or agent of the state who has been or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit, or proceedings, shall be indemnified for all expenses and liabilities actually and reasonably incurred in connection therewith to the extent permitted by Revised Code of Washington.
ARTICLE XVI CONFLICT OF INTEREST The purpose of this conflict-of-interest policy is to protect the interests of the state when the state organization is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of a member of the Executive Board, a state officer, a chapter officer or a member of a committee with powers delegated to the Executive Board or a state officer. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to non-profit and charitable organizations. No one in the above roles shall take action for the state if they have any conflict of interest or would benefit from the transaction.
ARTICLE XVII DISSOLUTION In the event of a dissolution of The State organization - the net assets shall be distributed as follows: All liabilities and obligations shall be paid and satisfied or adequate provision shall be made therefore in accordance with the Statutes of Incorporation for the State of Washington as they are applicable. The Executive Board shall determine specific procedures for liquidating remaining assets and shall supervise disbursement of funds. The Chapter organization - for dissolution of a chapter, the chapter first must seek assistance of the state president and the immediate past president who serves as a member of the Membership, Expansion/Dissolution committee. After assistance has been given, if the chapter still plans to dissolve the following steps must be followed: Obtained the approval of the Executive Board. Consideration shall be given to the manner in which those desiring to maintain membership transfer to other chapters. International procedures must be followed. Any remaining funds in the chapter account shall be sent to the state treasurer and deposited in the available fund. The chapter’s final books must show a zero balance and a clear listing of all disbursements. Chapter paraphernalia, Society publications, and chapter records shall be retained in the Washington state archives and made available for use. The charter must be returned to the state’s executive secretary to be forwarded to the Society Headquarters. The state Executive Board shall decide whether the Greek name shall be reused.
ARTICLE XVIII RACHEL ROYSTON PERMANENT SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION An Enabling Act Section A. As a means of furthering the state’s educational purposes, consent is given to the establishment and operation of an educational foundation to be named, “The Rachel Royston Permanent Scholarship Foundation.” The Foundation is formed and operated in such a way that it will be exempt from federal income taxation under the Internal Revenue code now or which shall hereafter be in effect; and the proper officers of the state are authorized to advise the Secretary of State of Washington that Alpha Sigma State approves and consents to the use of such name by said Foundation. Section B. Such officers of the Foundation as are or may be designated in the Rachel Royston Permanent Scholarship Foundation Bylaws are authorized to act as officers and trustees of the Rachel Royston Permanent Scholarship Foundation. The Executive Board of the State is authorized to elect trustees of said Foundation, according to the bylaws of said Foundation. In the event that no Rachel Royston Permanent Scholarship Foundation officers are elected, the Washington State officers may act in their place, if authorized by the Executive Board. Section C. This enabling act shall not be subject to revision or amendment. The act shall become void only upon the dissolution or liquidation of the Rachel Royston Permanent Scholarship Foundation provided for in Article II, Section 2 Procedures and Limitations of the Articles of Incorporation of said Foundation: “In the event of dissolution or winding up, the Board of Trustees shall transfer all the assets of the corporation for identical uses and purposes to the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington or Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. In the event of such dissolution and transfer, the recipient university shall maintain the assets as a perpetual fund, under the name of the Foundation, and use only the net income therefrom for the stated purpose.” Adopted by Convention April 2, 2011 Amended by Convention 4/18/2015 Amended by Convention 4/29/ 2017 Adopted by Convention Sept. 29, 2018 Amended by Convention 4/13/2019 Amended by Virtual Convention 4/30/2021